Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The New Blogging Adventure....

It would be appropriate to post my first blog on trying to set up a blog...haha....Little did I know while I was out grooming my horses technology took a hugh leap forward and left me behind!  Luckily I have a handsome son with a Masters Degree in Mathematics to steer me in the right direction, and a Bachelors in Psychology to help me through all the mud slinging that happens in all families...And a daughter who is a Crisis Counselor for backup...I think I have it covered...

So today I found by accident the site and WOW I am excited, I have been contemplating taking off on horseback for awhile now since the kids flew the coop and thought if I do that it would be nice to take pictures and keep journals, maybe post to YouTube once or twice too.  So I have spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out how to change content, style and have changed the color at least fifteen times.  I think today is good and will leave it to another day.   The basic desire to have the blog was to show my many travels for this second half of my life, but I think I will add anything Equine to that and maybe even a couple rants on my favorite topics...And once the farm is up and running I will add that web site and address so I can have visitors.....very exciting about this new venture....Good Luck everyone, I hope to hear from you and that you enjoy my BLOG...Peace...

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