Friday, June 22, 2012

The Drive In to Work

Believe it or not I go through four or five towns on the way into work every night and home every morning.  Just starting to realize the flowers are in bloom, people have taken to the Lakes and Summer has come upon us, didn't I have the wood stove on just last week?  My Son and Daughter in Law were home visiting 4 days, very relaxing and very nice to see them.  It is my hope to visit Texas this winter as I dread the Maine Winters, if I was a winter sport enthusiast perhaps Winters here would not bother me and if I could stay awake long enough to curl up with a book in front of the wood-stove it wouldn't bother me....But the cold goes right through me and the wood stove can not be hot enough and sleep is all I want then!   But Alas Summer is here, this is my time to ride and to sight-see, enjoy being outside...

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