Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Going...going...gone is Summer

Yes it was cold last night at work, I had all the windows open for fresh air and actually thought to myself where the heck is my sweater.....HaHa...I guess I blinked and summer was gone, even the morning have that Fall Air, leaves have started to change and the Big Dogs are developing a coat already.  It was the strangest year, we had hail and cold weather in June then a horrible heat spell, crops did not fair well although my cherry tomatoes are coming along ok and the blackberries are good, I even picked blueberries on the road side that were reasonable sized.  This morning after the Staff Meeting I stopped to order my winter hay....Nooooo, I am not suppose to be ordering winter hay already it is too early but nevertheless I did and it is coming this Friday.  Empty wallet for a couple weeks but happy critters!  Matt is busy finishing up the addition to the cottage it will be nice to have the extra room and the wrap around porch is nice...My friends Matt and Katherine Dean have been clearing more pasture space for me, they needed the wood for winter and I needed a bigger pasture!  It worked out fabulously and also I will have the arena up for next year just in time to get Matriel back in training, she has been ignoring me terribly.  She knows that she is the One and that she always will be my sweetheart, the one with the stall in my office like Mr. Ed my favorite show.  But her attitude needs a little adjustment, I whistle and she flips her tail and turns and runs....in the opposite direction....NOT good and NOT acceptable...she knows better for sure.

Jill my Percheron Mare will be home in a week or so and I am hoping to get her out riding so we can go on a fall ride this year...Even if I just get some saddle time in I will be happy.  A distance ride would be nice though.  A short one, maybe 15miles maybe less, depends on whether I decide to breed her this year or wait until spring...Hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer and looking forward to the Holidays with family and friends...I am going to go visit my son in Texas for the holiday...Yea!

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